Hocus Pocus tag
The listing is for the TAG only!
Comes in 2 sizes, 1.25" or 1.5" - choose your bezel colour and it will come with a matching split ring that is 25mm
Includes upto 3-4 lines of contact details on the reverse
Matching accessories are available here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1763496724/hocus-pocus-pup-and-pawent-accessories?click_key=f768537e0e9182344a61ef60044321a7628e4688%3A1763496724&click_sum=ee183a1c&ref=shop_home_active_10&sts=1
You can save 20% off (only) the hocus pocus print bandanas, bows etc from Douglas and Dexter using code TAGGYTAILS
Bezel colour